Individual Therapy for Adults

When your most important relationships are strained…

There’s a good chance you’re not doing well.

It’s possible to hold it together for a little while – to get through the work day or get dinner on the table – but the tension you’re carrying soaks through everything.

Going out with friends feels like a chore, and you’d rather zone out alone, neglecting your relationships and your own needs, like exercise and sound sleep.

You might be working to block out spinning thoughts, which cause tension and irritability. There could be big problems in your family, coloring your memories and continually impacting your relationships today. Sometimes, you feel like you’re heading in the right direction, but then you’re back where you started. The effort is exhausting.

Overwhelm, anxiety, past trauma, inability to finish tasks, unsatisfying relationships… whatever the core issue, it’s affecting everything.

Even good change is unsettling.

When you’re struggling, you know things can be better. You think all the time about how life could be better.

But you’re used to this familiar normal, so deciding to get help feels like it might disrupt more than help.

But you know deep down it’s exactly what you need…

You’ll better understand what’s going on and how to move forward differently, feeling lighter and healthier.

You’re going to see and feel the results…

You’ll notice you feel more resilient and better equipped to weather obstacles.

You’ll start to feel lighter and more interested in spending time with others, enjoying the outdoors, and engaging in hobbies.

You’ll be able to traverse conflict and pain with self-reflection and thoughtful communication.

When you recognize your patterns, you can respond rather than react.

Maybe you’re still not sure…

… that therapy’s the right choice for you. And that’s okay.

But don’t let the prospect of change scare you away.

Developing new insights and healthy habits is a change that feels GOOD, and we want to help you get there.

Call us today, and schedule a time to talk with a therapist about how we can support you: (831) 302-2323.

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