Organizational Training and Consultation

Workshops and trainings for individuals, groups, and organizations

Nonprofit organizations, schools, and small businesses struggle to balance their outcomes and budgets with the demands of developing a thriving, committed team. When your management expertise is your industry – and not interpersonal dynamics – the staff politics, burnout, and turnover become tiresome. More importantly, an unhappy team’s productivity is impacted, and you can’t introduce a single improvement without pushback.

Organizational Consultation

Integrating Mindfulness Practices into the Workday

Employees are on autopilot – they’re trying to make it through the day in a job that’s demanding and activating. In industries where stress is the norm, there are few opportunities for relaxing breaks or “water cooler” chats. Mindfulness training validates the common experience of burnout and supports the team to separate what is truly required from stressors they might have more control over. Team members will learn to recognize how they’re feeling without judgment, how to implement a toolbox of mindfulness techniques to calm the nervous system, how to communicate without reactivity, and make decisions from a place of intention and strength.

Trauma and Resilience-Informed Workplaces

Some industries are inherently traumatizing. Every day, staff confront themes that cause distress, making it hard to “leave the job at work.” Sleep loss is common; sometimes team members will report intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, irritability, and other concerning experiences.

The trauma-informed workplace model is a system that works to shift an entire organization – starting with education and awareness of current dynamics. There are separate meetings with leadership, line staff, and back office, as well as customization for your industry and organization. Outcomes are measured and attention is paid to small changes along the way to maintain motivation.

In time, all arms of the business will find they are moving from a place of shared values and vision, and the team feels more united, supported, and productive.

Leadership Consultation

Managing a team can be a lonely job. In high-stakes industries in particular, the responsibility can be downright harrowing. When you can’t shake the feeling that you could be doing better – that you’re not measuring up to your own expectations and have tried everything you can think to try – a series of individual consultations is a powerful option.

The founders of SCTC have all held leadership positions overseeing hundreds of staff in various positions. We combine our clinical skills related to interpersonal dynamics and systems theory with many years of direct experience to offer a structured approach to improvement.

You’ll have an opportunity to describe your organization and current dynamics, as well as the many approaches you’ve already tried. We get to know the personalities with whom you work and help you strategize different approaches to create positive change. You’ll see improved outcomes, a happier work experience, and feel more confident as a leader.

Call to Learn More

Every job is different, but the experience of wanting a fulfilling professional life is familiar to all of us. Bringing in an outsider is sometimes the best way to create positive change.

Give us a call to speak to one of our trained assessment specialists: (831) 302-2323.

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