Therapeutic Parenting Support

1151186963Parenting is more than discipline…

Becoming a parent changes your life and brings countless joyful, heartwarming experiences.

But it can also bring stress and disruption. Parents know all about lost sleep, less time for themselves, effects on careers, and a new identity that can feel unfamiliar and disorienting.

Any of these experiences can make parenting more difficult. Plus, children have their own traits, emotions, and reactions, so…

We don’t always know how best to support and guide them.

When your child struggles, you struggle.

Long crying spells…

Embarrassing behavior at school…

Unexplained moodiness…

Your child is always on your mind.

And what’s the best way to help? Everyone has a different opinion.

Meanwhile, you can’t help comparing yourself to the other parents you meet or see online.

And you’re TIRED… and the house is cluttered… and noisy… and your relationship with your partner is strained.

This might be a bit of a surprise…

But the best way we can help you with your child is to work directly with YOU, the parent.

If you’re anxious, angry, or overwhelmed, it’s difficult to manage your child’s concerning behavior.

If you’ve recently had a baby and are feeling depressed or anxious, it’s difficult to be present and enjoy time with your infant.

If you have painful memories from your own childhood, they bubble up as you attempt to create a healthier environment for your family.

None of us knows how to parent exactly right (regardless of what you see on social media!). It’s a healthy decision to seek support and expand your village. We wish everyone felt comfortable reaching out at the first sign of struggle.

Support from people with experience and education in this arena can transform your relationship with your child and dramatically improve both of your lives.

1687184971Our team specializes in working with parents.

We’ll begin with a “Welcome Session” to better understand why you’re seeking support and what you’d like to accomplish.

If you’re visiting us in person, we encourage you to arrive a little early to familiarize yourself with our office and take a minute to rest.

During the first few weeks, we’ll get to know each other and decide which approach best suits your situation. As we work together, you’ll help us evaluate what’s working best, and we’ll adapt our treatment so that it continually meets your needs.

You’ll find relief working with someone who understands your experience and has tangible recommendations for making day-to-day life more manageable.

With a toolbox customized for you and your family, you’ll soon notice changes in your child’s emotional regulation and your ability to support them.

Parenting is joyful when you can do it with intentionality and awareness.

Don’t put this off…

The sooner you start, the sooner and more easily you can get back on track.

We have decades of experience and various family situations and clinical styles to give you a great experience.

We can’t wait to meet you and give you the support and guidance you deserve.

Let’s talk about it during your free consultation: (831) 302-2323.

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